Plans completely shattered… to make way for something better
How an unexpected moment brought me more clarity and direction than ever
I sat there in shock, mixed with awe and excitement, as I was having a mindblowing “Holy shit. Well, that just happened!” moment.
ALL my current plans went out the window, shattered.
A sudden, massive pivot was needed.
I was so excited about and proud of this long post I was going to share that I even wrote it and recorded the voiceover earlier than usual. Now unscheduled, left in draft.
I had set up all these systems and additional posts to support the announcement I was going to make today. All unpublished and turned off.
I was busily working on this project because, in my mind, these were obviously the logical next steps.
…until I heard the words, “This isn’t a freebie, Kat. This is a WHOLE course or program.”
Those profound, honest words shook me to my core because… she was right
In the back of my mind, I knew what she said was true.
Yes, I am absolutely onto something, but the scale and vision of it in my head had to expand greatly.
I assumed it was a freebie, because it came so quickly and easily to me.
I put it together with so much ease, and I filled it in with such clarity that I assumed others would be able to do the same, too.
It has been such a valuable resource that I wanted to widely share this in hopes of helping you in the ways it has helped me.
Clearer direction. Motivating inspiration. Sparking excitement again.
This solution sprung from an inspired action to get me out of a deep, reflective phase of uncertainty, despair, and a massive lack of motivation.
It became my blueprint for what fulfillment personally looks like to me.
I stopped chasing after other people’s versions of success… because I created my own.
Plus, with this foundation set, creating your Work Vision would be so much easier and more comprehensive.
Yes, this is it. This would be a great entryway to the Soulfueled way of being!
It seemed like a good first step.
…but it was actually a big leap for others.
That became more and more evident as I gathered other spot-on constructive feedback from 10 other trusted, insightful individuals of various backgrounds, life situations, and experience levels.
…because they didn’t have the same context, similar belief systems in place, and a particular thought process already installed.
What came easy to me is actually my secret sauce.
What’s obvious or logical to me is unique to me… and that needed to be explained to others.
My skill sets are my zones of genius that I just took for granted!
That’s why this “freebie” is actually a whole course or program.
In the next 35 mins,
quickly formulated a new plan and strategic approach for me. She broke down my intentions and thought processes into a more effective step-by-step system that was easier to go through.It was like she magically opened a whole new world to me and freaking gave me the map, too!
Then it was like everything relevant to what I’ve learned from other programs and coaches suddenly came flooding at me at the same time.
Holy shit, this is IT!
THIS is how it all comes together.
I’ve been asking myself this for the past 4 months since I had this simple little idea to start this Substack.
But back then, I had no idea how this was going to come together or how it would be received either.
This felt like a pivot, a separate business, or even a distraction from my dating niche.
My conscious mind couldn’t logically think through a way to bring them together.
My insecurities sounded alarms, screaming, “That’s a scary shiny object! Don’t do it! You’re just using this as a distraction to not deal with your challenges right now. No, no. Don’t go there.”
But my heart and soul were steady, loving, and encouraging. They reassuringly told me, “Trust and surrender. We got you.”
It was one of those intuitive moments of “I don’t know why I’m doing this, but it feels like the right move.”
…and this is me looking back and now going, “Oh, I get it now. That’s why I did what I did to get here.”
Welcome to the realities of being an entrepreneur!!
Your carefully laid plans will get tossed out the window… repeatedly.
Good and bad surprises will shake things up and challenge your resolve.
Whatever you assumed will be put to the test.
You learn to be more flexible with the unexpected, calmly adaptable to changing situations, and problem solving quickly on your feet.
These are the times when it’s good to keep your vision close to your heart and clearly in your mind.
Don’t worry about the how or even the what.
Just keep focusing on the why and where you’re heading.
You will get there.
It’s never a straight line or how you strategically planned.
Twists, turns, and detours are all normal.
You’ll pick up plenty of learnings and skillsets along the way.
Synchronicities become your wayfinding signs that you’re headed in the right direction.
Freaking, just go with the flow.
…while keep checking your compass and map (aka your vision) for where you intend to go.
You’ll be just fine.
All those hows and whats always work themselves out.
Overly stressing about needing to know everything ahead of time or have it all carefully planned out before taking action will become a hindrance to your success.
That’s you needing to have a security blanket… because you’re scared.
Being scared and uncertain are normal states for an entrepreneur.
It’s not that the successful ones don’t feel them.
It’s just that they keep taking action and trust that they’ll figure it out along the way.
You won’t have all the answers from the start because you’re meant to find the right answers as… you… go.
Your current self will never know enough as much as your future self.
So why stress or be anxious about things that are out of your current control?
Alright, now what?
Well, my vision is still the same.
But the how and what are now even in closer alignment with my Work Vision than before, and it’s coming together even better than I originally planned!
With this new knowledge, I’m thinking better, clearer, and more strategic than I did before.
So, it’s back to the drawing board on some plans, but far from being back at square 1.
I’ve already braindumped tons of great insights and loosely set up my plan forward.
It’s going to be a blend of strategizing and building as I go, and that’s perfectly fine.
Timing for what I’ve previously shared will shift, but ultimately, this is all for the better.
None of what I’ve done so far, which was A LOT in these past couple of weeks, has gone to waste. In fact, they have set a solid foundation for what’s to come.
The new things I’ll be putting in place will actually set you up for better success. It’ll serve you better because you’ll get all the proper context and explanations needed to then easily do this for yourself.
Oh, man. Seriously, this is all so exciting.
I was on this exhilarating high yesterday after my call with Donna, elatedly sharing my updates with my accountability groups, and then becoming completely discombobulated until I was able to journal out my 1000 mph thoughts into a doc.
(Psst, for my fellow woo ones out there: Oh my, so THIS is what a divine download feels like!)
Alright, I’m off to work through this some more. Stay tuned for further updates!
Where can you give yourself some grace and compassion? What are the concerns holding you back from taking action, and what’s one action you can easily take now to bring you more clarity?
Congrats Kat on shifting the gears with @DonnaBlevins and turning the corner on your idea.
Your story reminds me that "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes." - Mahatma Gandhi
I'm interested in seeing where this next chapter of your entrepreneurial journey takes you 👊🏻
This is so much fun kat! I'm realising the pivots and wait-a-mintues are part of the journey, not a hindrance to the journey.
What we find easy or haven't fleshed out yet for others leads to impatience sometimes.
That's when we can get discouraged because we can't get our big picture for others written down fast enough.
We know it will help them but it has to be created.
Then a new shiny thing appears or we're told to do it another way and hold ourselves back again.
All part of the process. We don't need to rush people through our solutions.
But rather help them find the middle ground that's faster than we learnt it but not so fast it becomes a blur.
Fun times 💜🌟