Procrastination feels safe, but what is it costing you?
Inaction multiplies. The deeper you sink, the harder it is to climb out.
I just need more time.
I need to be fully ready before I start.
Maybe I should do a little more research first.
Procrastination doesn’t always look like laziness. It can come off like a wise decision, convincing yourself that now isn’t the right time to take action or it’s best not to be impulsive due to some sort of potential risk.
You hesitate. You overthink. You second guess.
You then fill your time with low priority tasks that keep you busy, but not progressing.
And before you know it, another week, another month, another year has passed—and you’re still going in circles, stuck in a similar spot.
I’m not ashamed to admit that procrastination still creeps into my decisions, because these situations also become great teachers, showing me how I can do better.
I wasted time dragging my feet when the choice was absolutely the right decision for me. I put off pivoting my coaching niche because I wanted to make sure it was the right move. Could I have done it sooner? Probably. I kept delaying it because deep down, I was scared of making a mistake and feeling like a failure for giving up. Plus, I felt daunted by how much work I’d have ahead of me, revamping all of my plans, content, and offerings, as it felt like I was going back to square one. But it became the best decision for me when I finally did. I’m so much happier, more motivated, and excited about what I’m working on now.
I ended up wasting all this money on a resource that I barely used! I got excited about this service that can create an AI coach version of me so that my clients can get my advice and frameworks on demand whenever they need it. That sounded like such a cool idea, so I excitedly jumped in. But I didn’t have the time to work on it, and I wasn’t prepared for all the behind-the-scenes work it required to get it up and running. There went 10 months of subscription fees down the drain. Yes, it took me that long to finally just cancel the service, all because I had FOMO and didn't want to face my own limitations.
…and this is just a tiny subset of the ways I’ve procrastinated due to some sort of fear or didn't want to let go just yet.
It’s such a sneaky stall tactic!
Your brain isn’t sabotaging you on purpose. It’s simply trying to keep you safe. Avoiding action isn’t just a bad habit. It’s a built in survival response designed to keep you in your comfort zone, away from potential risks.
It’s your mind’s way of shielding you from:
Fear of failure, so you delay rather than risk getting it wrong
Discomfort of the unknown, so you cling to what you know instead of stepping into uncertainty
Loss of control, so you wait for the perfect conditions before taking action
But instead of protecting you, this cycle keeps you stuck. You stall. You overprepare. You convince yourself that you’ll start once you’re ready.
One of the biggest pitfalls I see purpose-driven entrepreneurs fall into is Avoidant Procrastination—the belief that if you wait long enough for the right moment or solution, your level of confidence or motivation will eventually appear.
Every time you put something off, you’re reinforcing hesitation as your default. The task doesn’t disappear—it lingers in the back of your mind, draining your energy and confidence. Before you know it, you’ve spent months thinking instead of progressing—while others who started imperfectly are already miles ahead.
This self sabotaging behavior is what I call an “Entrepreneurial Sin”, and these are some ways it could show up:
You read, watch, and listen to all the advice… but don’t apply any of it.
You tell yourself you need more info before you can move forward.
You feel paralyzed by too many options and struggle to make a decision.
You keep adding the same tasks on your to do list over and over again without actually doing it.
If any of this resonates, all your mental rehearsing and justifications for waiting are just quietly closing the windows of opportunity behind you.
Here’s the truth: Readiness isn’t what leads to action. Commitment and firm decision making are what truly create action. Taking that first step, even before you feel ready, is what builds momentum and leads to the clarity you’ve been seeking.
The productivity illusion
The problem isn’t your ability—it’s how you’re following through with your ideas and goals.
When you hesitate and overthink:
Your confidence weakens because inaction fuels self doubt.
Your progress feels further out of reach as your dreams remain “someday” goals.
Your ideas stay stuck in your head instead of becoming results.
The goal isn’t to force yourself into constant action. It’s to create a rhythm of progress that feels aligned and sustainable.
Taking small, intentional steps lifts the mental burden of procrastination and turns hesitation into progress. By changing how you engage with action, you create a smoother path forward—one that feels aligned, manageable, and sustainable.
This is just one of the seven Entrepreneurial Sins that can wreak havoc on your productivity and keep you stuck.
Want to know which ones are secretly sabotaging your decision making skills?
In a few minutes, the Success Blocker Quiz can help you identify the patterns that are quietly stalling your progress.
Stop overthinking and start taking action⎯begin with taking the quiz.
It’s not all doom and gloom. Here’s the flip side!
If this cycle sounds familiar, don’t beat yourself up. These patterns don’t mean you’re failing—they mean you have strengths that just aren’t being channeled the right way.
When channeled intentionally, these seemingly bad Avoidant Procrastination traits help you make thoughtful decisions, produce high quality work, and create strategies that set you up for long term success.
The key is learning to direct them toward action rather than letting them keep you stuck in hesitation.
🐢 Deep thinker + strategist
You have a strong ability to see the big picture and anticipate potential challenges before they arise.
Your analytical mind helps you consider all possible angles, leading to well thought out decisions.
When focused, you can break down complex tasks into structured, actionable steps.
🏆 Driven by excellence
You set high standards for yourself, making sure that your work is polished, thoughtful, and impactful.
Your attention to detail helps you refine ideas and produce high quality results.
You naturally push yourself to improve, which fuels long term growth and mastery.
🐝 High energy go getter
You are proactive and thrive on movement, making it easy for you to stay engaged and take action.
You excel at handling multiple tasks and keeping projects moving forward.
Your ability to adapt and shift gears quickly makes you highly resourceful in fast paced environments.
⏳ Rapid problem solver
You work well under tight deadlines and can deliver results quickly when needed.
Your ability to focus intensifies under pressure, helping you push through distractions and execute efficiently.
You’re highly adaptable and can make fast decisions, allowing you to navigate challenges with ease.
Deep thinking, high standards, and laser focus execution are powerful assets… as long as they’re paired with action, confidence, and momentum.
Harness these strengths with purpose and channel them intentionally to move you out of procrastination towards what you actually desire.
It’s never too late
More waiting won’t fix your programs, as procrastination doesn’t magically make them disappear. It just compounds over time, keeping you further and further from where you actually want to be.
Don’t let another week, month, or year slip by while you wait to feel ready. Take the quiz now—because the sooner you start and the more awareness you have, the sooner you gain momentum. Buh bye, limbo. Hello, progress. You’ve got this!
Interesting exercise. My results showed me to have a little bit of every of the 7 Entrepreneurial Sins. I tend to dive into to much details, and then lose a bit of the total picture