When we're setting up the systems, offers, processes, content blah blah blah, it becomes an overwhelming mess when we don't step back frequently enough.
When we're setting up the systems, offers, processes, content blah blah blah, it becomes an overwhelming mess when we don't step back frequently enough.
Glad it was timely and relatable, too! In this world where everyone’s looking to be more and more productive, it’s so easy to try to pile on more work.
So writing this was also a good reminder for me to chill the hell out sometimes! Doing everything isn’t going to get me there faster! 😅
So so timely and relatable Kat!
When we're setting up the systems, offers, processes, content blah blah blah, it becomes an overwhelming mess when we don't step back frequently enough.
Handy tips here, as always x
Glad it was timely and relatable, too! In this world where everyone’s looking to be more and more productive, it’s so easy to try to pile on more work.
So writing this was also a good reminder for me to chill the hell out sometimes! Doing everything isn’t going to get me there faster! 😅
Yeah even if we know it, we don't realise we're doing it when we're in it!