Have you been setting the wrong goals?
Plans for my 90 day soulfueled reset and realignment
If you think money is the worst thing you can waste, you’re mistaken.
The most expensive thing you can waste is time.
The most expensive thing you can do is procrastinate.
Each time you put things off, you lessen the time you have to compound momentous energy and value into your business.
Time is on your side… until you waste it
So don’t waste it chasing other people’s goals.
Don’t waste it listening to those who put down you or your dreams.
Don’t waste it on things that don’t feel right to you.
Don’t squander it chasing what you think you “should” be doing.
I had to learn this expensive time and financial lesson… the hard way and numerous times.
I kept finding ways to justify why “this time” was going to be different.
Ultimately, the problem originated… within me
It didn’t matter what and how many strategies I tried.
If I wasn’t clear and specific about my goals,
If I wasn’t aligned with my Work Vision,
and if I didn’t believe in myself,
my path to success would undoubtedly be filled with tons of detours, obstacles, and failures.
That wasn’t fun to admit, BUT it was empowering.
That means I could stop looking externally for validation, approval, and answers.
It was like finally finding the missing puzzle pieces I’ve been searching for so long.